Whether a business is planning to welcome employees back to the workplace or has been operating throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to be deliberate about what steps to take to ensure the safety of staff and others. As businesses begin welcoming employees back, there has been a lot of information about requirements for opening that need to be adhered to, but not as much about practical applications on how to do so.
Clark has put together a set of Returning to the Workplace Resources that will lead you through the best practices for not only reopening safely and effectively, but also continuing to work safely and effectively.
Our step-by-step Returning to the Workplace Resources Guide breaks down returning to the workplace into four phases and provides detailed information and resources for each of them:
We’ll give you on-demand access to Clark’s live Returning to the Workplace Webinar, so you’ll be able to listen to the full recording whenever needed. In this webinar, you will hear: